Sunday, April 20, 2008

Glorified in Me

This morning in church we sang a song where the chorus just repeats the phrase "be glorified in me". That phrase really got me thinking. how often is God glorified in what I do, think, or say? Honestly, He isn't often. Actually, God is probably more ashamed of me than he is delighted in me. I want to glorify God through how I live but so often I get side tracked by my earthly desires to do what I want to do, or what "sounded good at the time".

The sermon today was about being good stewards of our money and other resources God has given us. At the end where our pastor challenged us, he asked 4 questions about our attitudes toward our money and how we spend it. His first question was do we think about God when we spend our resources? For me, I translated it to how often do I think about God when I do anything, let alone take care of the resources He's given me. Our pastor went on to say that he was at Hobby Lobby yesterday and bought a picture for their bedroom. He said he never once thought about God as he bought that picture. That may seem insignificant but to me it stuck out. Why would our pastor feel the need to mention that story? Probably to illustrate how he didn't think about God as he was spending the money God gave him. To me, I thought about how even in the smallest things like buying a picture from Hobby Lobby can still be done in such a way that it glorifies God.

I do so many activities, both big and small, where I don't think about God. It's hard to glorify God in my life if I don't have my mind set on Him. I do want God to be glorified in me. I don't think others would pick up on that in my life at the moment though. Something to work on this week.

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