Saturday, April 19, 2008

God and cars

I love the book of James. It's my absolute favorite mainly because it's so practical and straight forward. My favorite verses that I've taken to heart since high school is in James chapter 4. It says "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you...Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will lift you up." (James 4:7-8, & 10) I think the reason I chose this as a primary life verse is because God is telling me as a Christian that as long as I take that first step of faith towards Him, He will meet me there. It's like a 'meet me half way' concept but it's not even half way. As long as I make an effort to go to God, He will meet me where I'm at and help me the rest of the way. It's so great to know that God won't leave me hanging in this crazy life on earth. He's there to help me and guide me along the way. I just have to take that first step and trust that God will be there to catch me.

I was at a Campus Crusades for Christ meeting yesterday where one of the speakers gave a great analogy for this concept. Picture a car. That car represents God. The gas represents the holy spirit and I represent the driver. If I get in the car but don't do anything, I'm not going to go anywhere. Even if I try to step on the gas pedal, without gas in the car the car still won't move. Now I fill the car up with gas. I get back in the car but it still doesn't go anywhere. I have to make the first move. I have to step on the gas pedal and the car will take off and take me to where I need to be. I may know about God and that's all fine and dandy but it's nothing without having the Holy Spirit in my life. But even with knowing Christ and having the Holy Spirit in my life still won't get me any closer to my final destination. I need to make the first move to put me in motion. Once I step on the gas, the car does most of the work. I just have to go with it and trust that it will take me to where I need to go. Once I make that first move with God, all I have to do is trust that He'll get me to where I need to be.

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