Sunday, May 25, 2008

Broken but glued back together

"Man is broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue."
-Eugene O'Neill

I read this in a book recently (Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies) and it kind of stuck with me. The whole book is about her life and thoughts on faith. I don't remember now what particular story she was sharing or how the quote even ties in but the quote itself stuck out to me.

I was born broken. I was born a sinner. God knows this. I will never be "all together". I will never have it all figured out and be the person with it all figured out and have nothing wrong. But God knows all this. It amazes me how patient God is. He knows I'm a crappy person and I screw up quite frequently and that there's no hope of me ever having it all together. but he's given me his grace to help me out. He knows I live in a broken, impure, imperfect, shattered state of being; and even though there's really no hope of me ever being otherwise, God has provided his grace as glue so that although there will be scars, cracks and other evidence of my faults, I can have the hope of being made new in Christ. All by the grace (and glue) of God.

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